Ch, ch, ch, ch, changes could well be the theme song for 2023 at Safe Harbors! The year saw evolution taking place across the organization: on our staff, in our buildings, and in new projects that will shape and expand our capacity and impact into the future.

In 2023 and into 2024 we prepared for the retirement of founding staff members (some after 20+ years!) and welcomed 5 new team members who bring a diverse range of professional backgrounds and expertise to our work (more on page 12).

Safe Harbors was proud to be the first supportive housing organization in New York to receive funding from the State’s newly launched Supportive Housing Preservation Program. The $15 million subsidy will fully underwrite needed upgrades at the Cornerstone Residence, resulting in long-term sustainability, improved quality of living for residents, and a 20% energy savings. The 18-month project will continue through 2024, and the smell of fresh paint, the
sound of hammers, and the gleaming of new tile on the floors are daily physical reminders of progress, growth, and possibility!

Finally, in December 2023 we closed on the purchase of 69 William Street in the City of Newburgh. Working with our partner Bronx Pro, we will preserve historic architecture and build on vacant space to develop 50 beautiful, affordable apartments for individuals and families. We look forward to sharing updates on our progress as the project continues.

Energized with fresh eyes, new perspectives and exciting opportunities, Safe Harbors is focused ever onward and upward, building on our solid organizational foundation and deep community roots to further realize our mission, grow our unique model of downtown revitalization, and increase our impact on the community we serve.

Thank you for being part of our vision for a creative, supportive, and flourishing Newburgh. Together we are making a difference!